“Am I an AMUSE member?”

& more FAQs

Am I an AMUSE member?

Per Unit A’s most recent collective agreement, the casual positions included in AMUSE can be found here.

Some common job titles in Unit A include:

  • Animal Care Attendant A, B, and C

  • Communications Assistant A, B, and C

  • Lifeguard

  • Phonathon Caller

  • Standardized Patient

Unit B includes Floor Fellows, who live in McGill residences and provide support to students living in residence. All Floor Fellows are AMUSE members. For information about AMUSE and Floor Fellows, contact floorfellows@amusepsac.org

Article 19.02 of our CA states that when staff are hired into an AMUSE role, they should receive union membership forms with the rest of your hiring paperwork. However, this doesn’t always happen. If you don’t receive this info, you should fill out the union membership form.

My job is covered by the Union A Collective Agreement, but I haven’t heard anything about being a part of AMUSE. Am I still an AMUSE member?

Yes, once you sign and submit the union membership form! While McGill is obligated to provide our union membership form to new hires in AMUSE roles, this doesn’t always happen. Even if this is the case, you’re a union member in good standing and have access to support and resources from AMUSE as soon as you sign the union membership form.

How can I get involved with AMUSE?

Check out the “Get Involved” tab on our website!

If you want to be a part of AMUSE’s work but aren’t sure how, feel free to email communications@amusepsac.org! It’s your union and we want you involved!

I’m not an AMUSE member- am I a part of another union?

Many (but not all) non-managerial positions at McGill are part of a campus union.

  • AGSEM (Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill)

  • AMURE (Association of McGill University Research Employees)

  • McLIU (McGill Course Lecturers and Instructors Union)

  • MUNACA (McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association)

  • SEU (Service Employees Union Local 800)

  • SSMUnion - For employees of the Students’ Society of McGill University (please note that while SSMU employees are campus workers, they are employees of the SSMU and not McGill).

Have a question we didn’t answer? Contact us here and we’ll get back to you ASAP!